Sunday Worship Services

9:00 am - mixed style

11:00 am - contemporary style

Church sanctuary 

 Links are also on our Media page.


Sunday worship services are held at 9:00 and 11:00 am. Our service lasts between 60-70 minutes. The 9:00am service is more traditional in style, mixing contemporary song with hymns, while the 11:00am service is mainly contemporary praise/worship songs.  Our services are also available in a Drive-In format for those who wish to remain separate but together.  Outdoor mailboxes are provided for contact-less provision of bulletins and other church mail. The service is broadcast on 103.7 FM. A full children's program runs during our services, and Sunday School for those in grades 6-8 is held between services.  Click here to read more about the Children's Worship Service.  We look forward to an exciting time of fellowship, worship, and growth in the knowledge and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  


Scroll down to prepare for this Sunday's worship by reading the focal scripture. You may also click here to access sermon outline, along with audio and video recordings of previous sermons.  


Our "Abundant Loaf" cafe,  located in the fellowship hall, is open before both services.  All snacks are prepackaged and provided by the church.


We also hold LIFE GROUP meetings throughout the week.  Click here to read more about these ministries.

Sunday Worship

February 9, 2025

9:00 am & 11:00 am

The Messiah will be the God King

Focal Scripture: Psalm 2:1-6


(Click on the message title for the accompanying notes.)



Our current sermon series: Psalms