There is a small group Bible study (Life Group) for everyone!


  • Activate - 6:00pm


  • Women's Bible Study - 1:00pm


  •  Men's Bible Study - 8:30am
  •  Women's Bible Study - 8:30am

Activate Life Group

A Life Group for adults 20 years and older, Activate meets from 6:00-7:00pm on Tuesday nights. Led by Pastor John, Activate is covering a more in-depth topic from Joel. Join us downstairs in the Frllowship Hall any Tuesday that is convenient for you.

Courageous - Men's Bible Study

Pastor John leads this Bible study meeting Saturday mornings at 8:30am.  Once a month we add breakfast food to our fellowship. All men are welcome to join this Bible study! Our current study is on Ezekiel. We meet downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and enter at the doors near the playground.

Grace and Mercy

The Grace and Mercy team concentrates on providing toiletry items and Winter Outerwear to our community's needy people. We make deliveries twice a month. People interested in being involved can reach out to Lance or email graceandmercytwc(at)

If you would like to donate to the Grace and Mercy Ministry, we are low on kitchen trash bags, deodorant, shaving cream, and conditioner. We appreciate your help in helping our community.

Women's Bible Study

Women 20 years and older meet every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm. If you want to get to know God in a deeper, more intimate way and to grow in your relationship with Him, please join us in our Bible study at anytime! 

We're studying the book of Psalms and meet upstairs in the Children's Worship Center on Thursdays at 1 PM.  For an advance copy of the lesson or more information please contact the leader, Amy Gocke at the church office.

Women's Bible Study

Women 20 years and older meet every Saturday morning at 8:30 am upstairs in the Children's Worship Center. If you want to get to know God in a deeper, more intimate way and to grow in your relationship with Him, please join us in our Bible study at anytime! We're currently studying  To Dwell in Our Midst by Erin Warren. For more information please contact the leader, Amy Gocke at the church office.